Please enjoy using these practices below as often as you need support, even if it's just setting aside 5 minutes in your day to take some deep breaths & ground down into your body. Feel free to share this page with others who might benefit, too.
I genuinely hope these serve you as much as they continue to serve me to create the kind of compassionate, loving world we truly desire. Remember - as within, so without.
You are magic. Don't forget it.
Big love,
Ali xx
5-Minute Short Grounding Practice
Take a few moments to breathe deeply, drop out of your head & ground down into your body.
6-Minute Parasympathetic 3-Part Breathwork to Calm the Nervous System
Inhale relaxation & exhale any tension as you use this 3-part yogic breathing technique to calm down & soothe your entire nervous system.
14-Minute Amplifying Joy Practice
A special Tibetan Buddhist rejoicing practice to focus on gratitude & kindness, expand feelings of bliss throughout your entire body & start training your mind to look for the good in everything.