Embracing the Void: How Taking a Step Back Can Open the Door to Your New Chapter
Aug 19, 2024
I originally wrote this back in August of 2023 & here we are again:
Sometimes the hardest
and most necessary thing you'll ever do
is to have the faith
to take a bigger step back than you imagined
and trust in the vast and terrifying
s p a c i o u s n e s s
before the new chapter
It's a new void space. And it was time for another CLEAN SLATE.
I still don't know who exactly I'm becoming...or UN-becoming.
All I know is things are changing. And I'm listening. DEEPLY listening.
We need space to grow.
Nothing new can be born without it. The void is the portal of creation. When one chapter is dying & another hasn't begun yet, what falls in between?
Emptiness. Spaciousness.
To the soul, this in-between period is expansive and exciting.
To the logical mind, it can feel overwhelming, scary and even downright "wrong".
Stillness or taking a step back aren't bad things; we've just been conditioned to believe that being productive 24/7 or taking one "quantum leap" after another is the only marker of "success" and if you're not adhering to that standard, then you're failing.
I'm here to tell you that it's complete bullshit and also goes against the cycles of nature. Things MUST die to come back to life. Leaves fall off the trees to regenerate. Flowers die to come back to life next spring. And you also have to go through periods of "dying" (aka: the identities or situations you've been most heavily attached to need to dissolve) to be reborn as you continue to evolve.
When you outgrow your current conditions, there's almost always an adjustment period as you shift direction and before you take your next leap.
Sometimes this can look like doing nothing, which sounds like blasphemy to the high-achieving brain (I know, it takes practice, lol).
It might also mean: slowing way down. More quiet time. More rest. Perhaps spending more time in your spiritual practice, like meditation, instead of taking big steps forward. Not making any huge decisions yet, but rather allowing yourself to come into some sense of internal alignment first.
The mind is always looking for answers, security, clarity, "a plan".
But the truth is: Your soul's journey isn't always going to look logical or good on paper.
It requires building faith, trust in the unknown and deep surrender, especially surrendering to moving in accordance with your own intuitive guidance above all else.
So lately - as I've been in my own void space in between chapters in my business - rather than forcing things, I've been paying attention to the deeper calling, which was to CREATE SPACE & SIMPLIFY everything first.
To take a step back and reflect in the stillness. From there, the insights always arise.
Interestingly enough, my Instagram (where I'd originally shared that poem a year ago) has had a bug for weeks & I can't use the pin/unpin feature anymore (so I had old posts that were no longer relevant highlighted that I couldn't adjust). I can't even edit posts from my phone right now. It's like my intuitive nudge to shift away from that platform was aligned for me, because shortly after I decided to rebrand recently & start the transition away from Instagram, all Android users have this issue & it still hasn't been fixed.
A glitch in the app or a glitch in the matrix?
Bottom line, when the signs are clear - trust them.
I'm taking my time to move much more intentionally now.
For example, whenever I'd think about my business I kept seeing white, blank space in my mind's eye, so I started this shift by refreshing my entire website and making it EXTREMELY minimal. It feels like a breath of fresh air now.
Then I took some time to journal and ask myself what type of creating gave me the most energy and made me feel the most alive. For me, it's talking. Some writing, like this & my newsletter. And creating visual art.
Taking that into consideration, I decided that audio (YouTube - where my original community since 2015 still lives - and the podcast) and a blog (writing plus creating art for the images) were the best ways to start moving forward again.
Slow and steady, no rush. I'm feeling it out as I go and listening to my body (if things start to feel draining, I always pay attention - because that might mean a small refinement or it might mean it isn't the right fit).
I know that as I start creating in these ways again and reconnecting with my community, the proper vehicles to serve at deeper levels (aka: any new offerings beyond 1:1 sessions or mentorship) will unveil themselves sooner than later.
One step at a time, in unconditional trust that I'm being guided in this new direction for reasons I can't see yet.
Truth be told, the last few years have been awkward.
In some ways really beautiful, with new connections & new growth. It's also been messy. Frustrating. Not linear. Emotional.
And honestly, it's also unfolding in perfectly divine design this way.
It's just that most of us don't give ourselves the permission to take WAY more space than we're used to before we jump headfirst into something new.
I will say that what I'm shifting into next was born from THIS. From the stillness. From the listening. From the creative void.
Truthfully, this chapter of life & business feels LIGHTER. Like the heavy-lifting isn't necessary right now. It's time for a different kind of transformation.
I want to express myself from my heart and create art from that place, rather than trying to contort myself to fix in boxes that no longer feel in alignment.
More to come *on my YouTube* (follow me there if you enjoy video).
You can also follow me *on Threads*, as this new chapter unfolds.
A new kind of alchemy is coming, where I'm choosing to center joy & simplicity.
I hope this inspires you to lean INTO the void (instead of resisting it), to listen to where your heart is leading you and to have the courage to make as much space as you need before your next steps.
Your desire for change is alive because something even better is meant for you.
Trust the process.
Ali đź’‹