$39.00 USD

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The Vow & Fully Claimed - Audio Class Bundle

In The Vow: The Key to Calling in Sacred Union if You're Still Single 34 minute audio class, you'll learn:

🔥the *one* crucial practice you need to know to manifest a deeply devoted Sacred Relationship, where you feel seen & cherished

🔥 the *key* to implement ASAP while you're still single to attract a Conscious Partner who happily wants to commit to you 

🔥why you're still experiencing the same painful intimacy blocks - like attracting mixed signals & unavailable lovers, over-giving but not receiving equally in return or chasing instead of attracting - even after doing a ton of relationship healing work & how to become a magnet for Committed Sacred Union instead 

🔥how to open your heart back up & become an invitation for love after past hurts & rejection, so you're not *unconsciously* repelling Union without even realizing it


In the Fully Claimed: How to Inspire Their Devotion & Attract a Committed Sacred Partnership 58 minute audio class, you'll learn:

🔥how to attract deep, unwavering devotion from a partner who's 100% sure you're the One & excited to commit, especially if you've experienced a pattern of attracting flaky or unavailable love interests 

🔥how to dissolve your trust issues & open your heart again after you've experienced rejection, hurt & disappointment 

🔥the *essential practices* you need to know to manifest a deeply devoted Sacred Relationship, where you feel totally seen & cherished

🔥how to stay open to love when your ego gets triggered or you’re not seeing the results you want yet in relationship

🔥how to get to the root of your own fears of commitment so they stop sabotaging your intimate relationships & become a magnet for Committed Sacred Union instead 

[open to all genders]

You'll receive the links to listen to BOTH audio classes immediately upon purchase in a Welcome Email, so check your inbox (and spam/junk folders)